Internet Sex Crimes
Michigan Internet Sex Crimes & Computer Sex Crime Defense Attorney – Detroit Metro Area
Every year, thousands of adults are wrongfully arrested for internet sex crimes after falling into traps set by police operating bogus websites and chat rooms. Sting operations are a form of entrapment created to catch adults who engage in legal activities in the privacy of their own homes.
The attorneys at our firm have extensive experience successfully fighting for the rights of people charged with Internet sex crimes. From hundreds of cases in involving internet sex crimes and being a former Sex Crimes Prosecutor, we know the illegal tactics that police, federal investigators and prosecutors use to gather evidence against you. By acting quickly and intelligently, we can challenge probable cause for arrest as well as illegal gathering of evidence. By understanding their game better than they do, we help clients get charges dismissed or greatly reduced. If you have been charged with an Internet sex crime, contact us for the best defense. Our affordable fees and payment plans help you afford the BEST criminal defense.
We represent clients charged with:
- Possession of child pornography
- Enticement, solicitation of a minor
- Marketing prostitution services over the Internet
- Solicitation of a prostitute over the Internet
If you or someone in your family has been charged with an Internet sex crime, contact our offices right away. We’ll defend your rights and protect your future.
Internet Sex Crimes, Child Pornography Defense Lawyer & Solicitation of a Prostitute Defense Attorney
Awards and Accolades